الرئيسية / أقسام أخرى / منوعات / ◄|شاهد| اصطياد تمساح عملاق أثار فزع المواطنين بأستراليا: طوله 5 أمتار ويزن 1000 كيلوجرام تقريبًا

◄|شاهد| اصطياد تمساح عملاق أثار فزع المواطنين بأستراليا: طوله 5 أمتار ويزن 1000 كيلوجرام تقريبًا


تمكن صيادون أستراليون من صيد تمساح عملاق يزن قرابة الطن كان يروع الأهالي ويثير فزعهم، في إحدى القرى النائية غرب مدينة داروين وفقا لما ذكره التليفزيون الأسترالي.

ووفقا لموقع «ديلي ميل» البريطاني، احتفل السكان المحليون في منطقة بيبمنتاري باصطياد التمساح الضخم، الذي كان يقوم بترويعهم لسنوات والتهم صبيا قبل شهر، وهاجم العشرات من قطعان الماشية أثناء رعيها في المنطقة.

A one tonne 'monster' reptile with blood-stained teeth was caught by Australia's new Crocodile Hunter, Matt Wright (centre) before it was dragged up the bank by a bulldozer in front of locals

وذكر الموقع أنه تم استدعاء صائد التماسيح، مات رايت، للمساعدة في اصطياد هذا الوحش، وظهر الصيادون الحكوميون في مقطع فيديو بثه التليفزيون، وهم يسحبون التمساح الضخم، بعد أن نصبوا له فخا باستخدام جثة أحد الخنازير.

وبعد ساعتين من المقاومة العنيفة، تمكن الصيادون من السيطرة على التمساح، وعصب عينية ونقله بواسطة جرافة وسيارة رباعية الدفع وبلدوزر إلى نهر بعيد عن القرية.

وأوضح الموقع أن التمساح يصل طوله 5 أمتار، ويزن طنا واحدة، تم اصطياده في حفرة السباحة في إحدى المناطق النائية الشعبية بأستراليا.

It took Wright at least two  hours to get a rope around the reptile's snarling jaws, giving the locals plenty of time to gather round to watch it being winched out of the water

Locals called in outback wrangler Matt Wright (pictured) to track down the 5 metre crocodile which had been terrorising the Northern Territory town for several years

Using rotting feral pig carcasses as bait, he lured the beast into a trap at a popular swimming hole in the Aboriginal township of Peppimenarti before harpooning the animal

Dozens of locals watched as the reptile was winched out of the water first by a four-wheel-drive and then a bulldozer

The crocodile they call 'T-Rex' fights to break loose after being caught by Matt Wright and his team on the banks of the river at Peppimenarti in the Northern Territory where he has been terrorising locals for years

T-Rex struggles to break free of the cage after the 5.2m crocodile was caught at Peppimenarti after years of terrorising the local community

Reporter Peter Stefanovic told how the wranglers fought for more than two hours to subdue the crocodile known as 'T-Rex' and then needed a bulldozer to move him out

Wright poses for a photo with reporter Peter Stefanovic after making a big catch in Peppimenarti

The crocodile was captured ripping away at the bait on  the banks of the river before the cage slammed shut around him. He would eventually be relocated to Darwin

T-Rex caught on camera stalking his prey ahead of being caught in Matt Wright's trap on the fourth night of the search for the massive maneater

Wright lured several large crocodiles into the trap at Peppimenarti in the days leading up to his successful mission to snare 'T-Rex'

The team of wranglers and camera crew pose with one of their catches during the four days of removing the crocodile threat to the small community of Peppimenarti

Wright and his team first caught a glimpse of what they thought was 'T-Rex' as they surveyed the river around Peppimenarti by helicopter - but he would not be seen again for four days

Matt Wright (left) is a noted crocodile hunter and was brought in by Peppimenarti locals to track down 'T-Rex'

There were at least four deaths due to crocodile attacks in the Top End last year


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